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Felix Nehrke

I write about software development and software architecture.


Configure Spring-WebClient for test environments

Spring has been providing a reactive web client for some time. Although this client provides many settings, not everything is so obvious and simple. For example, during development I often want to see exactly how the server is responding or ignore certain errors. For this I would like to configure the client in such a way that I can notice such errors and react accordingly.

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Problems with Lombok

Almost every Java developer knows Project Lombok. It is one of the most widely used libraries and keeps popping up somewhere. The advantages are obvious and are shown very clearly on the project page. Even so, not everything Lombok does is good and there are some pitfalls using it. I want to dwell a little here on the issues I see in using Lombok. I am not concerned with avoidance, but rather with awareness of weaknesses and pitfalls.

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